Four years ago…

I wrote this post on April 7, 2020. We were living in Palm Springs and on shutdown. It was such an odd time. I’m not sure I really managed to get over it. I have more anxiety now than I did prior to COVID. I need more time to myself and less engagement with people outside our family. Those are just few things that linger.

One of my favorite streets on my morning walk.

Here’s a few thoughts I have about these strange days:

My new morning walk look.

What are your thoughts about sheltering in place during the pandemic?

What things have lingered into your life now from four years ago?

Travel and sickness

Pretty kitty
Olive hanging out on the guest bed. The bedding was my daughter’s growing up.

Do you get sick after traveling? Or is it just me?

What do you think of people who won’t stay home when they’re sick?

Test Time

Mom and me in the 1990s.
My mom and me in the 1990s.

What were you doing one year ago before New Year’s?

What’s your favorite cold remedy?

A Merry Little Christmas

Beware a Nasty Bug

Me and my babies
My son, at almost three, and newborn daughter at home after an exciting week.

“Now. Go now!”

Do you know anyone who has had the RSV virus? What is your experience with it or any other childhood diseases for you or your children?

On a happier note, have a wonderful weekend and Merry Christmas! 💕

Comfort foods

I love this quote from the Soup cookbook:

“Soup preceding sumptuous meal,

Preparing well the way

For happiness and joyous weal,

To brighten every day.”

This is how I make clam chowder — the way Mom taught me:

What’s your favorite comfort food? Is it from a family recipe?

Three years ago this week:

I was looking back on what was going on this time of year in 2022 and 2020. Last year, we made our first trip to Puerto Penasco, the Mexican beach town near us. In 2020, we were in our Palm Springs home working from home with orders to shelter in place. My daughter was staying with us. Here is what I wrote in 2020:

9 Thoughts About Shelter In Place: DAY 21

IMG_5481One of my favorite streets on my morning walk.

21 Days. Isn’t that something? My daughter came home a few days before we got the order. I’m so glad she made it here. She’s been a joy to have around along with her fur baby Waffles. We have plenty of room to have my husband, me and my daughter all working from home — together — yet apart.

Here’s a few thoughts I have about these strange days:

I go from super calm and productive to anxiety ridden from day to day.

I’m losing track of the days and the time. Twice I have woken up thinking it’s 6 a.m. and started the coffee only to look at the clock in the kitchen that reads 11:40 p.m.

My routine of daily three pages of writing, my three mile walk and Bible readings to start my day are more important than ever. All three help me stay grounded.

I’m reading lots of good books. Sitting in my back yard in the sun reading is one of my favorite things to do.

10,000 people have died in our country. My heart goes out to all the people suffering and losing loved ones.

We are now told to wear masks when we leave the house. I’m using a make-shift one from my quilting supplies. It’s hard to breathe during my morning walks, though, and my glasses fog up.

My writing jobs are completed and turned in and now I’m in uncharted territory without every minute of my day focused on meeting deadlines.

My daughter and I cleaned and organized the food cupboards and the laundry room. It feels good to have clean spaces.

I’m reaching out to family via phone and email. It’s important to stay in touch with your loved ones.


My new morning walk look.

What were you doing a year ago this week? What were you doing this week in 2020?