
No, I didn’t watch the Grammy’s. In fact, I didn’t know they were on. I was glancing at news on my laptop yesterday morning and the headline above jumped out at me.

Here’s the song of the year. Warning, it is a tear jerker but a beautiful song.

I’ve been a Bonnie Raitt fan for as long as I can remember! Her first album debuted in 1971. Here’s a LINK to her website with her bio. She’s been inducted into the Hall of Fame and won her 14th Grammy this year.

I wonder if the headline writer who called her an “unknown blues singer” was fired or will be embarrassed for the rest of his or her life?

Here are two songs of hers I like. Yes I owned these albums and played them over and over.

Are you a Bonnie Raitt fan? What are your thoughts about calling her an “unknown blues singer?”