Oh, Folly! No More Follies!


The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies is closing after 23 years. The economy has been bad since 2008 and according to Riff Markowitz, Master of Ceremonies and Founder of the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies, “small theaters across the country are running out of money and closing.” His is no exception.


My son turned 21 this week and he mentioned that he’d love to see the Follies since he was born in Palm Springs, lived here his entire life — until college — and has never gone to see it.

My dad, 82 years old, also wanted to see the Follies before it closed. But, his desire was driven by the great Darlene Love of Oscar-winning 20 Feet from Stardom and He’s a Rebel fame. She happens to be the last headliner ever of the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies.


Tuesday night we went as a three-generation tag team to see the Last Hurrah of the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies with Darlene Love.

Riff singled my son out of the audience for being a “young person!” He made Robert stand up and asked if he was “being punished.”

“How old are you, Robert? Twenty? Look at these shoes,” Riff said pointing to his feet. “These shoes are 11 years older than you!”

He asked to see Robert’s “old persons” and asked if Robert was our “seeing eye driver.” We laughed and cried — Riff was that funny.

Darlene Love knocked us out with her amazing voice and transcending performance.

imgresThe dancers of the Follies are aged 56 to 84 — all Broadway professionals, loving their craft. It’s a crying shame that their careers will be cut short when the Follies close!

It was a delight and I urge you to make the trip to Palm Springs to see it while you can. And if, you can’t, make sure you watch the movie with Darlene Love, Twenty Feet From Stardom! I insist!

Have you ever been to the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies? Have you seen 20 Feet from Stardom?  Were you as impressed as me?
