So far, so good

“Happy March First!” my mom would call and say. It was a contest between us to be the first to call on the first day of each month. I miss being able to call her today.

Yesterday our new dishwasher arrived and was installed. I’m so thankful the first one delivered was broken and I sent it back. The motor would have blown out with the faulty wiring, like our old one did. It’s a blessing we had to wait several weeks for the new one to arrive. It wasn’t until last week that we figured out we had an electrical problem and not an appliance issue.

I’m not upset at having to buy a new dishwasher, because the old one was, well really old. It didn’t work that well and everything came out wet or spotted.

Life is quiet and good. I even finished preparing our taxes for the CPA yesterday. I scanned all the paperwork and was able to email it rather than stand in line at the post office.

Until I got the taxes done, I wasn’t allowing myself any time to revise my NaNoWriMo manuscript or to look for publishers for my picture book manuscript about my mom. No, I was focused on getting the taxes done. Do you know what happened? I procrastinated and wasted time reading articles on the internet for days.

Do you procrastinate with chores you don’t like (like preparing taxes) or do you get things done right away?

30 thoughts on “So far, so good

  1. This is so true. The house is never so clean as when I have a deadline! Steve Pressfield calls it Resistance, but it’s also good to get other things done. Happy March 1!

  2. Usually I get things done pretty quick. I was once told that “even a hungry child will not eat if you put too much on their plate”, and I treat chores/tasks/obligations with the idea that I need to keep them from filling up my plate. Even the vegetable chores.

  3. I’m with Jen — yes, yes. The house, my desk, the garage, any/all junk drawers…never are they tidier than when I have a looming deadline. You’ll get there! I’d say you needed a ‘down time’ day or two given all the wacky business in your home lately. Cheers to a new dishwasher…it looks lovely…and oh! Geez! I forgot to comment yesterday about the road runner — what a pic! ๐Ÿฅฐ

    • Good idea! I think I will reward myself with some time off. I have a list of things to do that can wait. Yes, deadlines get me to clean the dust bunnies under the bed. ๐Ÿ˜

  4. I can be a procrastinator about some things, but I have enough time now that stretching tasks out isn’t really an issue. Everything works out in the end I suppose! The new dishwasher looks lovely!

    • Thank you. I like the view from our dining area and kitchen. The table and chairs came from our old house. My kids did their homework and had dinner every night at that table. Memories!

  5. Congratulations on taxes and a dishwasher! There must be something funny to say about that combo! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love your note about procrastination. Isn’t that why the internet was invented?

    • I’m trying to make an effort this month to quit my internet browsing! I think it will be a positive change for me. It does feel good to get the taxes done and use the dishwasher. The installers turned it on before they left to make sure it worked. They left the manual and registration card inside ๐Ÿ˜…

  6. I procrastinate with grading online when working at home but I give myself a time limit of when I want it done. I try not to procrastinate with my physical therapy as since working from home I can take my time to do a good job , so it becomes almost an hour of exercise. It beats the 30 minutes at 5:30 am. before leaving the the district. If I don’t do it in the morning, I have a harder time keeping up.

      • I am glad you came back to comment. I love how we find out all these things about one another. I was not aware of your problems with your hip. Wishing you better times, also. You seem athletic….we both like swimming which is something I need to get off the roost and do next week!

      • Thank you for commenting on my blog! I go through Reader each morning to read the blogs I follow and somehow you weren’t there. LA dropped off at at one time, too. I stopped swimming when it got cold here a few months ago. I felt cold the whole time I was swimming laps. I can’t wait for better weather and to get back into the pool!

  7. The dishwasher looks spiffy! When did you discover the faulty wiring?

    I do procrastinate, but Iโ€™m usually ahead of deadlines. I have several presentations coming up and need to do PP and all that. That is something I delay as long as possible.

    • I discovered the faulty wiring on the phone with the non-working garbage disposal company. The company was troubleshooting and told me it was an electrical issue. Click! It dawned on me that the solar company put in a new breaker panel outside and the problems all began then. Wish me luck. Tomorrow the power company inspects the solar companyโ€™s work!!
      Good for you to be ahead of deadlines!

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