Views from my week

Yellow blossoms on a beavertail cactus
Yellow blossoms on a beavertail cactus.

A common theme this week is the color yellow. There are yellow blossoms on trees, cacti and bushes.

A juvenile Cardinal

My week included enjoying my Bird Buddy. This is a juvenile Cardinal. His coat is getting hints of red. Males are brilliant red while females are brown.

Blooming yuccas at our neighborhood park.

staghorn cactus in bloom

This staghorn cactus is bursting in blooms.

Morning dove
Mourning doves have been dominating my Bird Buddy.
view of blooms in the desert
A view of yellow blossoms in the neighborhood.

Palos Verde trees are common in our neighborhood. They are in their full glory of yellow blossoms.

I can’t help but remember my daughter who loved the color yellow but called it “lallow” as a toddler.

Our house guests are gone, we have friends visiting from Seattle who arrive today. We swam and walked, I cooked, I was productive in my new space. We made it to breakfast last weekend at our favorite cafe and I had a delicious latte and bagel with lox and cream cheese. It was a good week!

latte at Carefree Coffee Roastery
My latte at Carefree Coffee Roastery.

Happy Friday!

What are your plans for the weekend?

46 thoughts on “Views from my week

  1. We have a staghorn hung in our oak tree. I am planning on enjoying a quiet weekend with a good book. It is hot out there but we had rain last night, so no watering!

  2. I love all of the “lallow” and the pics of the birds? I feel so “up close and personal” with them. Like I’m being introduced to little friends. You have been busy, busy, as the hostess! Glad you’re enjoying every bit…and thanks for sharing snippets with us. Happy Early Mother’s Day to you! 🥰

  3. Funny how yellow is hte color of choice in deserts and semi-arid locations. That yucca is out of control. Mother’s day, I ordered steamed crabs and raw oysters – won’t tell you what it cost to ship them half way across the country.

    • It is a yellow world this month! Oh my goodness. My favorite! Crab and oysters. Once in a while we splurge and order them from Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle.

  4. I learned, laughed and loved this post. Learned – didn’t know that only male cardinals are read. Laughed about Lallow and loved that you stop on your morning walks to take pictures of all the beauty. Wonderful!

  5. Great post E! I love all the pics, especially the birds, all the yellow! Makes me smile. You have been inundated with guests! Remember to give yourself a little extra care as the hostess, most everything falls on your shoulders. We’re hosting a brunch this year with my mother-in-law, sister, and a few of my kids this weekend in honor of mother’s day. Happy Mother’s Day. Hugs, C

    • Thank you for the reminder. My house guests were very little work for me. They’re in their 30s from SF and were working remotely, even through the weekend! Happy Mother’s Day to you. The brunch sounds fun. This is my first Mother’s Day without Mom. 😢

      • My aunt, Mom’s little sister called last night and we had a long talk. My aunt is the Christian romance writer’s mom I told you about. She was thinking about me on my first Mother’s Day without Mom. The phone call was comforting.

  6. Ha ha! I love those Bird Buddy shots. When can I get mine?

    Tomorrow I’ll attend our local genealogical society meeting then come home and make a Zoom presentation to another genealogical society (I’ll be glad to be done with that). On Sunday, the local ski area is finally open for the last day. We expect crappy conditions, but thought it might be fun to go make a run or two, just to say we skied in May!

    • You can order Bird Buddy on line at I think they’re having a sale! It sounds like you have a super busy weekend. Good luck with your presentation and stay safe skiing. My ski accident happened in crappy conditions at Alta.

  7. Instead of a photo the big “lallow” ball of fire in the sky I saw a half-full moon in the upper right hand corner of the Palos Verde trees! What an unexpected treat, almost like an Easter egg! 🙂

  8. My mother in law is in town…seeing Book Club today, dinner tonight with sister in law, visiting my mom tomorrow

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