The Desk

Here are a few items in my office that I love:

What area in your home needs a thorough cleaning and organizing?

I had a friend who called these places “hot spots.”

59 thoughts on “The Desk

  1. Well congrats on the $900 windfall! That’s pretty amazing. My favorite things in that office are the 3 paintings. I knew right away that the 2 were of your property here in WA. They are all lovely and probably evoke lots of memories for you.

    I declutter and organize regularly. Stuff piling up makes me uncomfortable and I don’t like not knowing what I have so it’s a routine event to purge and organize!

  2. Once again, Costco for the win! Those painting are all so beautiful. We have such a small footprint while staying with my in-laws that we don’t have enough stuff to require organizing, which I guess is a good thing.

  3. Love your big desk and the paintings that are lovely and have sentimental value. Good for you in cleaning and finding $900 in reward money. What a prize! 🙂

    I have been working on cleaning out our basement. Sooo easy for stuff to accumulate there, out of sight, out of mind.

  4. I’m with Deb and Erin…woohoo for the big windfall. And the paintings are lovely…but that antique Underwood? Love it! I’m like Deb. I need to declutter because stuff piling up literally paralyzes me from getting anything done. I wish I could disregard visual clutter better…please don’t ask Paul about my quirks. I’m constantly following after him picking up ‘stuff’, pushing in chairs, rearranging his piles (and messing up his ‘system’ – LOL). Love your desk set-up…and isn’t it good that we don’t have to share? 😜

  5. Cleaning and decluttering are a reward by themselves but finding $ 900 is so much better.
    The typewriter is awesome. I loved typing on my grandfather’s typewriter but one key at a time.

  6. You were definitely rewarded for clearing out your desk! It always amazes me when people find checks they haven’t cashed. Maybe because I need every penny I can get right away, I usually go to the bank the minute I get the check. I used to have one of those Underwood’s. Who knew they’d be so cool now?

  7. Kudos on finding those price-y checks…and that Underwood typewriter is priceless as far as I am concerned. We have a “hot spot” we’re going to work on later this month…an area that needs a good de-cluttering.🙂

  8. Oh I love your desk. It send “organizational excitement shivers” — if there is a thing — down my spine. Love things that help us get organized. Love the underwood too. Oh, to be back in a typewriter world. Ha, ha. Thanks for the nostalgia EA

  9. What a beautiful desk! So spacious and tidy – even better.😊 Though I think I’m organized, it seem that some thing just pile up – like little scraps of paper with titles and authors of books I might want to read. One time, I compiled notes like these into Word documents, most I almost never look at!

    • Thank you. I fell in love with the desk and chair at first sight. A good friend told us to check out the consignment stores when we moved here and not to buy anything new. I have some fun pieces. I think written notes on scraps of paper are best. I make myself a little to do list most days. Much better than having it on word doc.

  10. Finding money is always good and it has to be a good sign too! Love the desk and that old typewriter! Wow. I have a few “hot spots” that need attention. My closet, the medicine cabinet, and the hall closet. Now I’m sweating. I know it will feel good to get these spaces under control and I appreciate your inspiration. Hugs, C

    • Twenty years ago, a friend signed me up for an email service that would send messages throughout the day with action items like tackling hot spots. It was supposed to be motivational. That was before texts. I actually followed it. That’s where I learned the term “hot spots.”

  11. Omg I’m amidst my big January organizing extravaganza. My all purpose closet needed an overhaul so that was last weekends project. I did under my bed, my closet, and a table in our living room with storage under it which became a dumping ground. The next big one is our basement storage unit but it’s so cold down there I need to wait till spring

  12. My hotspot without a doubt is our walk-in closet. It’s large enough to allow space for three chests of drawers, which you’d think would lead to a tidiness, but no. Not with us. One of these days I’ll face up to the challenge, but not today.

  13. I have a glass desk, very modern and light which my husband encouraged me to replace the old fashioned wooden hard heavy desk which was beautiful(University of Tampa’s Chiselers Sale) but it served its purpose and the new happy owner was glad to take it off our hands and move it along. As we get older, we start looking for lighter weights to move and less upkeep. Finding checks is good almost like finding hidden jewelry in the closet. I remember after my mom passed away.

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