The dog days of summer….

I was curious what I was up to a year ago — during day 139 of the COVID shutdown. I was reading a Julia Cameron book called “It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again” trying to find motivation. I’m feeling lackadaisical just like I did last summer. Maybe it’s the prospect of more COVID mandates, getting back to my routine after being gone for a week — or maybe it’s just August. The dog days of summer.

pug staring out the car window
Waffles in the car with me when my daughter ran into my son’s house to retrieve my sweater.

What are the dog days of summer? I found this on Wikipedia:

The dog days or dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer. They were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius (known colloquially as the “Dog Star”), which Hellenistic astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck.

It is hot, humid, we’ve had thunder storms. I’m lethargic. I don’t have a fever, I don’t see any mad dogs and I’m not buying into the bad luck. But otherwise the phrase “dog days of summer” fits.

Okay. About that bad luck. My daughter just called me and said she fell in the dark on her stairs last night trying to get Waffles back in the house. She broke her foot. Now she’s on crutches and trying to get in for an MRI appointment without missing any work. This means she can’t exercise, walk Waffles and will be struggling for weeks to come. I feel like I should be up there to help her. I am thinking this is not good for her mental or physical health.

pug selfies
Selfies with Waffles while he’s intent on watching my daughter outside the car.

Are you feeling the dog days of summer? What are you doing to stay motivated?

14 thoughts on “The dog days of summer….

  1. I am really sorry to hear about your daughter’s injury. Such accidents are unexpected, and often can happen quickly. I am praying for a quick recovery. 🌼

      • Now I’m worried about her keeping her job. The doctor told her to take the day off to elevate and ice her foot. She just started a few months ago and had to take time off for Waffles when he almost died.

      • Hopefully her employer will be completely understanding that she needs to look after her foot.
        As we know, we are always concerned for our children, at every stage of life. 🌼

      • The Federal Leave Act guarantees her job as is for 12 weeks with a doctors note and qualifying medical issue. So they can’t drop her from her job if she goes through those channels. One less Mom worry and time for her to heal! Hope she’s better very soon!

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