Second meeting of book club

Original cover of "The Old Man and the Sea."
The original cover of “The Old Man and the Sea.”

I joined our neighborhood book club. After my first meeting and being forced to read a book I couldn’t stand — I was assigned “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway.

I didn’t enjoy reading “The Old Man and the Sea” in high school at all. The days in the boat fighting to get the big fish dragged. I was considering dropping out of book club.

Surprisingly, decades later, I really enjoyed the book. I guess I have a better perspective with age. Maybe I identify with the old man.

I also learned a lot from the neighbor who chose the book and led the discussion. She was thoroughly prepared. She had pages of typed notes, went through Hemingway’s life and told us the book won the Pulitzer and Novel prizes, and that 5 million copies sold within 48 hours in 1951.

I asked my son’s girlfriend her interpretation of the symbolism of “The Old Man and the Sea.” She’s a Lit major and brilliant.

I’ve read about Christian allegories in the book such as two days and nights in the boat and returning home on the third day. This represents the resurrection of Christ. Other Christian metaphors were Santiago’s bloody hands to the stigmata and him carrying the mast, like Christ carried the cross. In the end, Santiago lies down and falls asleep with his arms out to and his knees off to the side.

This is what my son’s girlfriend sent me when I asked her about the metaphors:

Ernest Hemingway quote
Quote from Good Reads.

I shared the quote with the club and they had a good laugh and then went on to discuss more metaphors.

What are your thoughts on “The Old Man and the Sea?” Was is required reading in school? Did you enjoy it? Do you believe Hemingway DID use metaphors or not?

14 thoughts on “Second meeting of book club

  1. I probably read some Hemingway during high school because I had to. Never Old Man… though. I wouldn’t have lasted very long with that for sure.

  2. I don’t remember reading this. Interesting about the metaphors. Sometimes I do think we read more into books than what is meant. Side note, are you okay? Read about the Arizona wildfires. Hoping you are safe.

    • Thank you for asking. The wildfires are by Flagstaff which is two hours away. I sure hope it doesn’t head south. I hope the firemen and people up there are safe!

  3. I read Old Man and the Sea in high school also. I didn’t enjoy reading it (I don’t like the way Hemingway writes) but I did enjoy the class discussion. I love the quote about symbolism. I think, as humans, we try to find connections to help us make sense of the world… and often they aren’t there.

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