It’s May Day!

Bougainvillea in Palm Springs

Where did this fun tradition begin? But, more importantly, where did it go?


Happy May Day, everyone!

How do you celebrate May Day? Or, have you ever celebrated it?

44 thoughts on “It’s May Day!

  1. I grew up celebrating May Day much like you have described. But then I raised my kids in Hawaii, where they celebrate Lei Day on May 1st, and it has its own set of traditions. I don’t really celebrate May Day at all anymore. Thanks for the reminder though. I’m sure I can at least manage a few texts with emoji flowers!

  2. Great memories EA! I have a vague memory of making some sort of May Day basket and learning about leaving it for a neighbor early in elementary school… As an adult May Day has become synonymous with rights for workers and various activities surrounding that social issue.

    • I bet the worker’s rights has been around a long time, but we didn’t know about it until we were adults. At least that’s my guess. Yes, we grew up in the same area. The May Day basket and Maypole dances are Scandinavian traditions that made their way into our area.

  3. This whole post is so fun! I’ve never heard of the May Day flower basket tradition and have never participated, though I really like the idea.

  4. Delightful, Elizabeth! My mother-in-law kept up the tradition – buying pansies for her kitchen garden every year to celebrate May Day. Joyful! 🥰

  5. The May Day we celebrate is Labor Day to honor the people who died protesting for their rights. I have no idea what May Day is in USA.

  6. I remember making May Day baskets like the one in the drawing. And filling it with dandelions. Then giving it to my mother. It was how we celebrated, no dancing around the May Pole though which is how my mother’s generation celebrated the day.

    • I remember a Maypole when I was very young. I think it was at a school in the field, but it was before I was in kindergarten. I’m glad to know a few people here made May Day baskets. Great memories.

  7. I’ve celebrated May Day since my kids started school and their preschool teacher introduced me to the tradition. We still visit their old school to see the May Pole dance and today is the day! I’m excited to wear white and put a crown of flowers on my head 🙂

    • I ended up celebrating this year, by picking out a bouquet I liked at the grocery store and Maydaying my husband! Of course, the flowers are really for my enjoyment. 😁

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