More good news

Sunrise in our backyard.

When I went to lunch last week with a ladies group I recently joined, I sat at table with three of my neighbors. One is a board member for the group and the other two are my friends and new members also.

This group is fundraising for The Phoenix Dream Center, which is a facility to rescue and help victims of human trafficking. I wrote about that HERE.

The board member/neighbor at our table said “You’re the one with a background in PR.”

I thought to myself, “Did I really need to share that on my membership application?”

She slipped a spreadsheet and a press release across the table to me. “Can you help me get out our press release?” It was for an upcoming fundraiser.

“Sure,” I said.

“I just need you to fill in the blanks on the spreadsheet. I haven’t been able to find the contact information for some publications.”

The next morning I googled the publications with missing contact info. I was able to find some of them and I either filled out online forms or sent emails to them with the press release.

Within 30 minutes I got a response from a magazine publisher who has high end magazines for high end neighborhoods.

“I’m sold. I love The Dream Center. Can you take a call in two hours?” his email said.

I quickly texted the board member/neighbor to ask if she’d take the call. I’ve been to two meetings in two months and don’t know much about this group — like how long it’s been around, how many members there are, if they have a budget to buy ads, etc.

“I’ll be at the dentist,” she texted.

“Okay. I can do it,” I replied.

Later I got a phone call from the president of the group who said she’d take the call. Whew!

Fast forward and the president called me back to say they had an excellent call and then had a meeting the next day. They are getting free advertising from now on each month! They are getting a VIP listing and perhaps a feature article.

I’m so thrilled I helped open the door. I’m also relieved I didn’t have to take the initial phone call. I was smiling the rest of the day.

What has made you smile recently?

27 thoughts on “More good news

  1. Nice job EA! You may be chairing this whole thing before long 😉 Seriously though, your group is doing important work. Thank you.

  2. Your sunrise photo made me smile. Wow!! And your story made me smile. I know God’s heart breaks over what His children do to each other. I believe He put you (the right skills) together with that publication (the right influence) as a means to make a real difference. Definitely a reason to smile!

    • Good advice! But maybe a little late? My neighbor/board member just asked for help on revamping their brochure. To be honest, she sneaky in asking me to help her rather than hand it over.

  3. My pets always make me smile. I had a zoom call with my daughter…smile. Talking with a gym friend about new spinnng classes…smile. Lots of smiles

  4. First rule: never tell anyone about any PR or communications experience. A few years ago, we were at some organizational event (I think the Boy Scouts or something) and they asked for folks with experience. My wife kicked me under the table. I kicked her back. Ha, ha, oh, I ended up volunteering, but I had to laugh at being wanted. I had to explain that I didn’t have a ton of PR experience, but that didn’t matter, I knew what a noun and a verb were. Ha, ha, I needed your skills! Congratulations to you EA. A big placement and you’re new to the group. That’s awesome.

  5. Wonderful news!
    My son makes me laugh and made me smile just recently. . He was taking a 3 and 1/2 hr trip to visit a friend. Told him to text me when he arrived. The text said, “I am alive.” 🙂

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